Publish With Us
All publishing packages are for print on demand books in paperback or hardcover format. Royalties are dependent on the retail price, number of pages, page size, and format. We can work with you to find the optimal settings for your book to maximize your royalties and establish the best price for your readers. Our rates are better than any other publisher, even Amazon. We get your book in websites worldwide, not just Amazon. How? We have low to almost no overhead expenses and we actually study the numbers. The numbers that will make your book the most profit; technicals as book size, page count and national currencies. Each country has a different currency and it is constantly changing with the market conditions. We observe and adapt prices accordingly.
We get hundreds of books submitted for review. Honestly, most of them are not good. Most customers do not want to hear that, since a book is a very personal goal for most authors. We will work with you, if we see potential and you (the author) are flexible to some changes that will optimize the book for sales. We do not work on the contents, we are specialists in distribution and effective pricing. We do not provide marketing, SEO, or any public relations services.
For a no nonsense review of your book/manuscript;
Interested in publishing with us, getting your book listed worldwide, and get a higher percentage of your royalties than anybody else currently in the marketplace? Then you've come to the right place.
Contact us for wholesale prices. We are able to drop ship anywhere in the world.